
Vincent and Gandhi – transformational leaders

Systemic change requires transformational leaders. They work with people to identify the needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of the group.[1]"  Both Gandhi and Vincent de...

Living in Community || Ministering in Groups

In all the Vincentian Family, we either minister in groups, in communities, or families. On this Feast of the Holy Family, I though I would share some ideas on how this can function more fruitfully. St. Vincent de Paul had something to say, and contemporary thinkers...

Vincentians of Wherever: Leaders

One of my Vincentian friends sent me a link to an organizational development slideshare presentation about leaders and leadership that reminded me of work being done by Vincentians at DePaul University as part of Vincent on Leadership: the Hay Project. (You can view...

Vincentian leadership 2015 – Inclusive decision-making

One of the key legacies of Vincent de Paul, is “personalism,” or respect for the person. What strategies did Vincent de Paul have for inclusive communication and decision-making? How do Wisdom and Vincentian personalism help support the mission and viability  all...
SVDP leadership at a glance!

SVDP leadership at a glance!

The International Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) leadership is holding its annual meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. SVdPUSA National President Sheila Gilbert and CEO Dave Barringer are attending to represent the U.S. Society. The meeting offers an opportunity to...