Europe, USA and Asia discuss leadership

Europe and Asia meet at DePaul University. The Ladies of Charity Facebook page posted this picture of Chinese sisters at DePaul visiting with Laurence de La BROSSE, AIC president from France, Gayle Johnson, LCUSA president.

Practical Evangelization in the spirit of Vincent

As part of their ongoing preparation to celebrate their 400th anniversary the AIC (Association of International Charities) offers this continuing formation reflection devoted to practical evangelization in the spirit of Vincent.

“The dream” and the Ladies of Charity

Catherine Harkins, the first Lady of Charity in the USA, had a vivid dream of St. Vincent walking through snow-covered streets and gathering neglected children under his cloak.

Getting practical about torture survivors

Getting practical about torture survivors the "LOC Support Housing for Survivors of Torture" TASSC (Torture Abolitio1n and Survivors Support Coalition) International is a non-profit organization whose members are survivors of torture. Founded in 1998, TASSC is...

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