Laudato Si

Ladies of Charity write to Congress

The Ladies of Charity write to Congress in the hope that Congress can work together to protect our environment. They adopted a resolution at the National Assembly on September 19, 2015 standing with the Holy Father in his call to protect our common home and address...

Daughter of Charity thinks globally but acts locally

A Daughter of Charity thinks globally but acts locally. PACIFIC Islanders face a real problem every day which is becoming more serious as the increasing detrimental effects of climate become more keenly felt. The following is taken from the Fiji Times. A simple act of...

Labor Day and Laudato Si

The US Bishops are drawing the connection between Labor Day and Laudato Si. Families have been receiving a lot of attention recently. In his encyclical, Laudato Si', Pope Francis teaches that of all the groups that play a role in the welfare of society and help ensure...

Will you pray for creation?

Pope Francis has asked all to prayer for creation on September 1. Pope Francis wishes to remind us that: “Christians are called to an ecological conversion whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world...

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