
Korea:Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Together

Sr. Teresa Kotturan writes, "The 66th DPI/NGO Conference is the first in UN history to be held in Asia. This is organized in partnership with the NGO Community, the government of the Republic Korea and a national organizing committee." It is organized in the context...

UN News – Sisters of Charity Federation

Featured stories about orientations to the UN for various groups, resources for climate change, a profile of the Sisters of Charity of Greensburg in Korea and some dates to remember.

What Pope said and Korean Church did not report

On the first day of Pope Francis’ visit to South Korea he met with the Korean bishops, telling them to be one with the poor.
However, some of his strongest advice was not reported at the time as several paragraphs from his talk were dropped in the official text distributed on the Korean bishops’ sponsored media website.

Pope minces no words

Francis minces no words in Korea whether in prepared texts of off the cuff comments... To  religious communities he said ... “The hypocrisy of those consecrated men and women who profess vows of poverty, yet live like the rich, wounds the souls of the faithful and...
What Pope said and Korean Church did not report

What Pope said and Korean Church did not report

On the first day of Pope Francis’ visit to South Korea he met with the Korean bishops, telling them to be one with the poor.
However, some of his strongest advice was not reported at the time as several paragraphs from his talk were dropped in the official text distributed on the Korean bishops’ sponsored media website.

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