
How a Baby Changes Everything

A baby changes everything. Never was that truer than in the birth of the one we call Jesus of Nazareth. The birth of Jesus literally changed everything for everyone.

Our Father – A Radical Prayer?

The kingdom is waking up to being sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters to one another. In a polarized world what could be a more radical change in consciousness?

How Do We Listen To the “Cries of the Poor”?

To listen deeply requires paying attention not just to the words but to understand the whole person. Is that the way we listen to the cries of people who are poor?


The practical wisdom of St. Vincent with regard to meekness– a wisdom learned from Jesus Christ.

Children in church

Children in church

Something that deserves wider circulation about children in church… “A parishioner gave me the following intro from parish they had visited. It is called “Celebrating Children at our Parish”