
The Pay It Forward Plan for Peace

Jesus’ mission was all abou teaching us to pay it forward. After all, God has first loved us and wants us to share that gift in our lives! Isn’t this what Jesus did? And it changed and is changing the world!

Recognizing the Child Jesus Today

Some stories need no comments. Here is the story of a new mother recognizing who she was caring for…

Family Historians

St. Matthew was trying to get his Jewish audience to think about the very unlikely people who played a part in salvation history.

Vincentian Prayer Images: A Heritage of Reconciling

How did Vincent, Louise, and our respective founders embody reconciliation?

Jesus and the Homeless

Jesus and the Homeless

Gerald O’Collins SJ asks us to think about the way in which Jesus identified himself with the homeless, and took every opportunity to speak about and help them. When we consider that Jesus himself was homeless for much of his life, how does this challenge us to see the face of Jesus in all of those in need?

Jesus: Who Do You Think You Are?

Jesus: Who Do You Think You Are?

Jesus: Who Do You Think You Are?  The peaceful manger of our imagination masks so much disturbance and uncertainty. In this season the website Thinking Faith has been running a fascinating series exploring Jesus’s family tree. It  concludes with a study of those...

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

“Jesus wasn’t a professor, a teacher or a mystic who kept away from people as He spoke from afar. No, he was among the people. He would let people touch Him and ask Him questions. That’s how Jesus is. He is close to the people.”