
Strengthening our Service #IamVincent @NiagaraUniv

Sometimes we need help in strengthening our service. Here's an example of how a Vincentian institution tries to take the best that the academic community has to offer in order to serve the poor better. Vincent was always after that. Do you want to say #IamVincent?...

#famvin400 If we are the body we make people welcome…

One of the "sub-themes" of the coming 400th anniversary year is welcoming the stranger in our midst on a daily basis. Is there room for people to join our cause? Listen to this Casting Crowns song. https://youtu.be/SExJ9od-0zQ?t=8s [box type="tick" size="large"...

susanjoan.wordpress.com Podcasts #IamVincent

Podcasts have been around a while. Sometimes you're on a train or a bus and you have some time to reflect and you just need something to listen to, but music isn't it and the news isn't it. .famvin has a friend in Susan Stabile. Who is she? Spiritual director….retreat...

Pray in a Busy World #IamVincent @SJUMission

Bro. Mike Sheerin, FMS, writes, "How might we pray in our busy world? Remembering Vincent DePaul as a man of prayer which rooted and anchored his actions, we are invited to do likewise." Much of what is being written on the spiritual life these days indicates a...

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