
Pope Francis: ‘The hungry ask us for dignity, not for charity’

Pope Francis: ‘The hungry ask us for dignity, not for charity’ – Echoing sentiments Vincent de Paul would express, Pope Francis spoke passionately on behalf of the more than 800 million hungry people in the world today

Cincinnati Reds to ‘Strike Out Hunger’ with SVDP

Cincinnati Reds to ‘Strike Out Hunger’ with SVDP

April 4 National Fast to End Hunger

There will be a National day of fasting against hunger in Great Britain on Friday 4 April. Perhaps this is something other countries could emulate. Half a million people are going without adequate food in Britain. The End Hunger Fast initiative, which is being backed...

“End Hunger Fast”

This Lent, remember those who go without food – and help us tackle hunger This is the appeal from the Church Poverty website in the United Kingdom. The following contains much food for thought (pun intended) for people outside the United Kingdom and seems to enter...

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