
Video: St. Vincent de Paul Society Celebrating 175 Years in the USA; Now Adapting to Challenges of COVID-19

A video showing how the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Marin County, California has adapted to serve their neighbors in need despite the many challenges of COVID-19.

Homelessness and Hunger

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week occurs November 16 through November 24.

Hunger Games – A Walmart alert!

Hunger Games – A Walmart alert! … The report, named Walmart’s Hunger Games, links Walmart’s business practices to the hunger of its workers.

Nine Ways to a Food Waste-Free Thanksgiving… or Christmas

Nine Ways to a Food Waste-Free Thanksgiving… or Christmas – Food Tank highlights ways for eaters and consumers to cut down on food waste while enjoying holiday favorites this Thanksgiving… or Christmas

April 4 National Fast to End Hunger

“End Hunger Fast”

This Lent, remember those who go without food – and help us tackle hunger This is the appeal from the Church Poverty website in the United Kingdom. The following contains much food for thought (pun intended) for people outside the United Kingdom and seems to enter...