Feast Days

Was St. Louise de Marillac the first feminist of France?

Watch as Father Bertrand Collignon of Paroisse Sainte-Louise-de-Marillac in Drancy, France, explains why according to him, St. Louise de Marillac is the first feminist of France! Also, watch a LIVE PRAYER VIGIL for the Feast of St. Louise tomorrow at 2:15PM Eastern.

St. Louise de Marillac: gifted mentor, energetic influencer

“In all of her teaching and with every fiber of her being, Louise de Marillac transmitted the flame that was alive in her, a love for humanity drawn from a love for Christ Incarnate.” – Sr. Élisabeth Charpy, D.C.

St. Louise and Vincentian Care of the Sick

This month, on May 9, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Louise de Marillac. A presentation takes a look at her experiences of caring for the sick and dying in France. In her letters we can see many parallels with our situation today.

Three Saints who were members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

This week we celebrate the feast days of three wonderful Saints who were members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society has been part of the Christian formation of many saints.