
McGreevy Presents Famvin Homeless Alliance to the Vincentian Family

During the audience with His Holiness, Pope Francis, on the 14th of October, the members of the Vincentian Family from all parts of the world were present at the launching of an initiative to combat homelessness. Mark McGreevy, Executive Director “Depaul...

Charism of the Sisters of Charity Federation Today

A brief overview of the Sisters of Charity Federation on their anniversary reveals quite vividly that the charism embraces today’s challenges in many ways.

Sisters of Charity Federation: Responding to the Needs of Migrants and Refugees

Poverty, hunger and other forms of violence cause many migrants and refugees to flee their homelands and seek a better life elsewhere. Sadly, not all immigrants and refugees of today find a welcome on our shores. Many families suffer separation, worker exploitation...

The Charism at 400: in a State of Permanent Reinterpretation

"Reflections from the Vincentian Family Symposium" During the days of the Rome Symposium of the Vincentian Family I was paying attention to signs, words, conversations that signal a new interpretation of our Vincentian charism in an entirely new reality. I left Rome...
A New Century Dawns: Hopes for the Vincentian Family

A New Century Dawns: Hopes for the Vincentian Family

In celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the Vincentian Charism (1617-2017), Fr. Robert Maloney, CM has a new book available, entitled: A New Century Dawns: Hopes for the Vincentian Family. At the beginning of the fifth century of our worldwide Vincentian Family’s...