DePaul University

Vincentian leaders empower – Do you?

Vincent energized and empowered others to support his vision for organized charity to the poor. The real strength of a leader is the ability to elicit the strength of a group. This is the acid test of servant leadership. Therein lies a question for us.

What must be done? (Video)

What was Vincent’s Vision? What did Vincent see in his world? What must be done? What must I do? What must you do? What must we do?

De Paul honors Daughters of Charity for work in Kenya

The Daughters of Charity will be honored by DePaul University for the work in building infrastructure to teach children and empower women in Kenya. They and African theologian, Rev. Laurenti Magesa, whose work has reshaped the study of Catholicism in Africa, will be recognized with an honorary doctorate from DePaul University .

How do young adults fit in the larger Vincentian Family?

In 2013, DePaul’s Office of Mission & Values (OMV) commissioned a CARA study of “Unaffiliated Lay Vincentians.” Dr. Scott Kelley, assistant vice president for Vincentian Scholarship for OMV, shares the survey’s results & what they mean for the larger Vincentian Family.

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