Daughters of Charity

Daughters of Charity and Vocation Awareness

As the first installment of post showing what the Vincentian Family is doing to foster Vocation Awareness enjoy this one minute video from Sr. Liz. ( Stay tuned for more from other branches.)

Daughters of Charity to change (Internet) habit

The Daughters of Charity are about to change their habit again. No, not that one! Their digital habit! Sometime in the next few days their international website will undergo a change and bring a new look- in six languages no less!

Boston Haitian community honors Daughters of Charity

Given the Vincentian Family concern for Haiti this award to the Daughters of Charity is significant. Boston Haitian community honors Daughters of Charity

A Holy Hangout with the Vincentian Family

In case you missed it live here is the complete video of “A Holy Hangout with the Vincentian Family”

Watch the panel focusing on Vincentian Collaboration stressing the importance of working together to serve the poor!

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