Consecrated Life

“Touched” reflection by Fr. Pat Griffin

a Vincentian must be close enough to touch and be touched.

Griffin “The Director’s Chair”

Pat Griffin CM continues his series on Consecrated Life with this reflection on the Director's Chair. Recently, I took on a new role at St. John’s University. I have assumed the primary responsibility for the Vincentian Center for Church and Society (VCCS). With that...

Solidarity – Fr. Pat Griffin

Father Patrick Griffin CM reflects on “Solidarity” in his series devoted to Considering Consecrated Life In my last essay, I wrote about “blame” as it arises in the story of Aaron and the golden calf (Exod 32: 1-24).  This week, let me deal with an attitude which...

“Blame” Fr. Patrick Griffin

“Blame” - Fr. Patrick Griffin continues his series "Considering Consecrated Life" Certain stories in our Bible contain lines which seem unexpected and unusual.  When I recognize one of these stories being read, I pay more attention to hear that particular line.  A...