Congregation of the Mission

The Vincentian Parish Mission 1625-1660

For the sake of the country poor, St. Vincent de Paul founded the Congregation of the Mission to preach and educate the people.

Men On a Mission: Serving Christ in the Poor

This Saturday we celebrate the anniversary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission by St. Vincent de Paul. The mission continues… in these videos, Vincentian Priests and Brothers of the U.S.A. describe in their own words who they are, and what they are called to do.

Vincentian Brings Preaching Expertise to LA’s Future Priests

When it comes to giving homilies, you might call Father Jeffrey Harvey, CM, something of an expert.

Congregation of the Mission Celebrating 170 years in Philadelphia – EWTN News Nightly

Featured on EWTN News Nightly: The Vincentians have been helping Philadelphia’s poor for 170 years. (Video)

EMMY Blesses Good News!

EMMY Blesses Good News!

“God is with us. This is the message of hope that we want to shout from the rooftops, that we want to beam over the airwaves, that we want to put on the front page of our publications and post on our social media accounts.”

Serious conversation?

"Communications is not "the transmission of content" but rather "the reduction of distance." Pope Francis. These word of Pope Francis came to mind  when reading "Serious Conversation? byTim Williams CM, Provincial Director of the Daughters of Charity in Australia. The...