
Blessed and Merry Christmas from the FAMVIN Team

In these very endearing dates, the .famvin team wishes you a happy and blessed Christmas.

A Missionary Christmas Story for Advent Reflection

Reflection on this story from my past history as a missionary has helped me to grasp more fully the understanding of Advent as the great mystery which leads us to the celebration of the Incarnation of Christ at Christmas. By Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M.

A Vincentian Minute: From Cross to Crown

Fr. Rooney, in an Advent/Christmas series on the mystery of the Incarnation in Vincentian thought and practice, reflects on the spirituality that surrounded St. Vincent.

Christmas Reflection from Daughters of Charity Services (Video)

The following is a Christmas reflection that was part of the Daughters of Charity Services Vincentian Christmas Gathering 2021. Daughters of Charity Services are a family of Vincentian charities dedicated to improving the lives of all they serve across Great Britain....