
A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Wordplay 06 and 07

Fr. Rooney reflects on the multiple meanings of “Vincentian” words. This week: Advocacy, and Social Change.

Sisters Challenging Me To Think More!

No matter what era or even whether we went to a Catholic school, I suspect the teachers we remember most favorably were the ones who taught us to think.

The LCUSA Advocacy Committee Asks That You Take Action!

The LCUSA Advocacy Committee is helping for help on four different advocacy items.

Vincentian Solidarity Against COVID-19

Vincentian solidarity against COVID-19: 13 Houses Campaign and Coronavirus The "13 Houses" Campaign is expanding due to COVID-19 to support the poorest of the poor and the homeless. All monies raised by the Famvin Homeless Alliance through Depaul International will be...
When St. Vincent spoke the truth to power…

When St. Vincent spoke the truth to power…

When St. Vincent spoke the truth to power… and what we can do today! Vincent’s courage in speaking the truth to power While Vincent is best known for his practical works of charity, he also served as an advocate for the poor before the highest authorities, at times at...

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

In his wonderful new book Vincentian Meditations, Tom McKenna has a chapter on “seeing better.” He asks “what does standing under Vincent’s influence do to an individual?” And one response is that one can see better. That can mean many things but it might would...

Seeing Better and Systemic Change


“Those on top, like politicians and church leaders, talk a lot about peace, but not about justice, because speaking of peace sounds good to others on top and to the naïve on the bottom, but to speak of justice sounds bad to those on top because it opens the eyes of...

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

Bullfights and Systemic Change

It caught my eye immediately. A statue on his desk—a bullfight scene. But not what you would expect. This one was strikingly different—here the bull was sitting on the matador holding him down! Talk about the unexpected. A paradigm shift? No, a complete reversal! We...

Seeing Better and Systemic Change

Advocacy and Systemic Change

“Speaking truth to power….Making our voices heard---"     Advocacy: the process of supporting a cause or proposal, pleading or arguing in favor of an idea or policy.  Advocacy is active, not passive, and can take many forms.  But for Vincentians it means taking the...