Fr. Rooney reflects on the multiple meanings of “Vincentian” words. This week, two videos: Advocacy, and Social Change.
A Vincentian Minute: Vincentian Wordplay 06 and 07
by Famvin Media Resources | May 12, 2024 | Formation
Aidan Rooney A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings Calgary Canada Carroll Central Association of the Miraculous Medal collaboration Congregation of the Mission coronavirus Daughters of Charity famvin400 Feast Days formation package Frederic Ozanam Griffin Homelessness IamVincent John Freund Ladies of Charity Lent Louise de Marillac Mary the Mother of Jesus McKenna Pope Francis praying our heritage Reflections Ross Dizon Sisters of Charity Federation Sisters of Charity of Nazareth SlideShare Society of St. Vincent de Paul St. John's University St. Vincent de Paul SVDP Systemic change United Nations video Vincentian Family Vincentian Family Blesseds Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance Vincentian Prayer Images Vincentians of Wherever vincentian spirituality Vincentian View Year of Vincentian Collaboration