
How to join the US bishops in 9 Days for Life

How to join the US bishops in 9 Days for Life

Birmingham Declaration – Vincentian Advocacy

Birmingham Declaration – Vincentian Advocacy – VIP (Vincentians in Partnership) , along with SVP, SSVP and The Daughters of Charity in Great Britain have signed up to the ‘Birmingham Declaration’

Sisters of Charity and JPMorgan Chase

Sisters of Charity and JPMorgan Chase – an example of the effectiveness of the advocacy of the Sisters of Charity of New Jersey.

Voice of the Poor gets heard on editorial page

Voice of the Poor Advocacy gets heard on the Editorial Page. Sometimes we wonder whether we have to stand on our heads for what to get people to listen.

Super Bowl alert for human trafficking

Super Bowl alert for human trafficking

USA TODAY has a report on the effort to reduce or eliminate human trafficking on the occasion of the SuperBowl. The hordes of people flocking to this year's Super Bowl might be an attractive target for human traffickers looking to make new clients Thousands of fans...

20 ways you can fight trafficking

US State Department offers 20 Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking  (Graphic courtesy of After first learning about human trafficking, many people want to help in some way but do not know how. Here are just a few ideas...