A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Believers, and Not Just Thinkers

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  It is enough for us to be believers in him to conquer death. The problem of religion does not lie in those who are not believers but in those who are believers.  It does not lie in the publican, but in the Pharisee that looks...

Save What Is Lost, This Is What It Is About

Jesus, the Son of Man, has come to seek and to save what is lost.  No, there are no lost cases for him. St. Luke tells us that Zacchaeus is a chief publican and a wealthy man.  This means that, in the eyes of others, no one can save him. For he is a publican, that is...

Just Servants of the Holy Lord

Jesus is the image of the all-just God who alone is good.  Before him and before God, no one is just. Last Sunday’s theme on prayer is back today.  For Jesus tells the parable of the Pharisee and the publican.  The two are in the temple to pray.  And St. Luke lets us...

Cries of Those Who Are Poor for Justice

Jesus is the help that comes from above.  He is at once the unflagging prayer for the poor and the saving answer to their cries. Jesus tells his disciples the parable of the widow and the judge.  He wants to teach them how they should pray to the one who hears the...
Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Jesus is not among the dead; he has risen. It is our turn to find out how and where to meet him. Finding the tomb open, Mary Magdalen imagines the worst. So, he runs to where to meet Peter and the other disciple. Why does she think the worst? Probably because of what...

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

True to His Mission until Death

Jesus is the one whom God has sent to bring the Good News to the poor. He endures the cross to stay true to his mission. And he wants us to be like him. Jesus enters Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowds. They hail him “the Son of David.” They welcome him as the true...

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Merciful to the Utmost and Lifegiving

Jesus is merciful as his Father is merciful. That is why he weeps with us who face death. And he surrenders to it to bring us life to the full. Jesus hears that his friend Lazarus is ill. And right away, he shows that he stays on top of things. So, he is in no hurry...

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Look at People as Jesus Looks at Them

Jesus looks at people as the One who has sent him looks at them. If we look as he does, we shall have the light of life and do good works. Jesus and his followers do not look at the man blind from birth in the same way. On the one hand, the disciples take blindness as...

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Heed Everything that Jesus Tells Us

Jesus speaks with us and tells us everything. He fills those who, hungry and thirsty for a full life, heed everything that he tells them. The Samaritan woman does not expect Jesus to ask her for a drink or heed her words. But Jesus does both. For he does not look down...

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Brothers and Sisters to One Another

Jesus, giving his body up and pouring out his blood for us, shows us the love God has for us (1 Jn 3, 16; Rom 5, 8). So, we also ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. Benedict cannot believe it when his sister, Scholastica, asks him to stay with...