Vincentian Family

Marcello, One Of The Millions Of Homeless We See Each Day

For every Marcello there are many thousands more we haven’t met still sleeping on the streets. We’re advocates for all who are waiting for a place to call home.

Publication of the Book on the Symposium of the Vincentian Family

Six volumes (same content but in six languages) were published that contain the presentations, homilies and talks given during the Symposium in October 2017

Vincentian Prayer Images: We See… But Do Not See

We may see…but do we see as God sees?

Meeting of the Leaders of the Vincentian Family, Rome 2020: January 12 #FamVin2020Roma

Last day of the meeting … time to bring together and summarize the wonderful contributions and everything that we have shared since January 8th. Sister Blandine Klien, SC was responsible for the wonderful summary of our discussions during the gathering … a summary of...
Funeral Prayer for Homeless in Ukraine

Funeral Prayer for Homeless in Ukraine

"May the angels take your soul, raise it from earth to heaven, may the song of the saved follow it, in the face of the highest God." Today “Volunteer School” (Kyiv) was held in a different format – volunteers, Fathers missionaries, Marian sisters and seminarians...