Vincentian Family

Vincentians “between the field and the fork”

"Vincentians "between the field and the fork" Have you ever thought of buying and eating food as a moral act? Why is this a moral issue? What is the Vincentian Family perspective on ecological concerns? What are we doing to take action? What does our Church have to...

New members of international leadership of JMV

The latest bulletin of Vincentian Marian Youth, now online BI jun2015 ENG,  announces that the Director General of the VMY, Father Gregory Gay, CM, confirmed the following new members of international leadership of JMV Alison Alejandra Vidal Sagredo, (President,...

“The Vincentians Faithful to Mercy” – WYD 2016

“The Vincentians Faithful to Mercy” - WYD 2016 - Br. Adam, CM of the Polish Province of the CM sends the following information for the Vincentian meeting prior to World Youth Day... In the concluding remarks delivered at the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Pope...

The Ladies of Charity/AIC prepare for 400th Anniversary

Yes, you read that correctly! The Ladies of Charity/AIC prepare for 400th Anniversary! Not many groups in the church... of for that matter outside the Church... can claim that distinction. They are one of the oldest continuously functioning groups of laity in the...

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