Vincentian Family

First Assembly of Vincentian Family – Croatia

The first assembly of Vincentian Family Croatia was held on September 17, 2016 in Novigrad na Dobri. It was held in the Pastoral Centre Vincentinum and was led by the CMs. The Vincentian Family in Croatia comprises of six branches: the Congregation of the Mission,...

UN Joins In Making Girls Count

Girls were among persons “left behind” by society in the time of St. Louise de Marillac. According to “Louise de Marillac: a Committed Woman,” [1] Louise took interest in educating poor country girls while others were unconcerned.  Richelieu stated (in his last...

Day of Prayer: The Vincentian Family of Puerto Rico

With the participation of a large group of members of the different branches of the Vincentian Family, on Saturday, September 17, the Vincentian Family of Puerto Rico met in the parish "San Vicente de Paúl" to celebrate a day of prayer. Here are some pictures of the...

Pope Francis Celebrates the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul with the Vincentian Family

Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., Superior General, participated in the Eucharist Pope Francis celebrated in the chapel at the House of Santa Marta, Vatican, on the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, September 27, 2016. On the homily of Pope Francis for that day, L'Osservatore...