Vincentian Family

UN Calls For Observing Un Peace Day By Respecting, Promoting Human Rights

By Margaret O’Dwyer, DC, with information from the United Nations God knows how many areas of the world are desperate for peace.  Sustainable Development Goal 16  addresses the issue by calling for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.  It challenges nations to...

Vincentian Role Models for a Systemic Change Approach

We have been asked to devote some energy and study to knowing more about our heritage and role models. As I reflected on this it occurred to me that this might be an occasion to informally reflect on our heritage as agents of systemic change.

VFCAP and SC Seminar in Indonesia, Day 3

September 13, Indonesia – Day 3 for the joint VFCAP – SC Seminar continued the discussion of Module 3. Fr. Joe Agostino, CM of the Vincentian Family Collaboration Commission led the discussion on Conflict Resolution. This was followed by three topics to enhance the...

VFCAP and SC Seminar in Indonesia, Day 2

September 12, Indonesia – On the second day of the joint Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program and Systemic Change (VFCAP and SC) Seminar, the 70 delegates reflected on the two pillars of Systemic Change: Vincentian Spirituality and the Catholic Social...
Can we hear words of this young person?

Can we hear words of this young person?

Can we hear words of this young person? Karl Michael Hila draws our attention to a young person named Frederic Ozanam. "The earth has become a chilly place. It is up to us Catholics to rekindle the flame of human warmth which is going out. It is up to us to recommence...