Systemic change

Working For the Credibility of the Gospel During Lent

Saint John Paul II said to Vincentians in 1986 “ …search out more than ever, with boldness, humility, and skill, the causes of poverty and encourage short and long-term solutions; adaptable and effective concrete solutions. By doing so, you will work for the...

What Can We Do About Homelessness?

How can we blend sysemic change and a “culture of encounter” in serving the homeless.

Are You Part of the Problem?

Am I part of the problem... or part of the solution? How can I know? I recently read something attributed to Coretta Scott King, "It doesn't matter how strong your opinions are. If you don't use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem.”...

What Did St. Vincent Do For the Homeless of His Day?

Vincent and Louise de Marillac were deeply committed to the education and moral formation of young people living on the streets or in dire conditions.