Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Love for the Poor and Marian Devotion Gather Over 40,000 Vincentians at a Pilgrimage in Brazil

An event of gigantic proportions. This is a good definition of the pilgrimage celebrated in Brazil on March, 24 and 25. The largest Marian shrine in the world, that of Our Lady Aparecida, hosted the largest agglomeration of Vincentians worldwide. About forty-thousand...

The Challenge and Witness of Frederic Ozanam

This 15-minute video tells the story of the founding of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by Frederic Ozanam and his friends, in a time when their country was facing massive social change.

Vincentians of Lebanon Want To Rebuild Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Destroyed in Civil War

A group of young people from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul decided to resume activities in the Saint Vincent de Paul church of Beirut.

New Society of St. Vincent de Paul Television Series Premieres March 4 on EWTN

Are you searching for a way to grow in faith while helping others? Then tune into the new television series, “Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul,” which premieres Sunday, March 4 on EWTN. (Click here to find the EWTN channel in your zip...