Society of St. Vincent de Paul

National Friends of the Poor Walk: September 29

Help support your local Society of St. Vincent de  Paul Conference and Council by participating in the National Friends of the Poor ® Walk/Run on Saturday, September 29. To find the Friends of the Poor Walk or Run in your area, click here. The Friends of the Poor®...

Dressed for Success

By: Debbie Shelley / The Catholic Commentator It was the excitement of back to school shopping for school clothes, at least for girls, who walked out of the dressing rooms and twirled with delight in their new uniforms. The boys tended to roll their eyes and groan...

The Legacy of Frederic Ozanam

Get involved and be part of this legacy!

The General Council Launches the Film Festival on the Seven Founders of the SSVP

During the annual meetings of the International General Council (CGI), held in Salamanca (Spain) in June 2018, we announced the rules for participating in the Festival “The Seven Founders,” which seeks to focus on the moment when the first Vincentian Conference was...
Systemic Change Workshops for Vincentians

Systemic Change Workshops for Vincentians

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is holding two systemic change workshops for Vincentians. The “Hope in ActionTM”three-day workshop is designed to train those Vincentians throughout the country who will be responsible for planning and implementing systemic change to end poverty. All members of the Vincentian Family are welcome to attend.