Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Ozanam, Social Mobilizer Par Excellence

We have to recognize this: Ozanam has managed to mobilize a large crowd of people to help the poor, through his preaching,

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Celebrates the 180th Anniversary of the International General Council

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) celebrates with great joy the 180th anniversary since the inception of the Council General International (CGI).

Ozanam: Who Was This Holy Man?

It is always a great joy for me to speak about the dear brother Antoine Frederic Ozanam, one of the founders of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.

The Dilemma of Giving Alms and the Ineffectiveness of Christian Charity

A recurring theme in the meetings of the Conferences, which challenges the Vincentians in general, is the question of giving alms to the poor.