Social Media

The GOD minute

A new podcast series to fuel your prayer – The God Minute

Lenten Reflection On Fasting, by Sister of Charity (Video)

Sister Rejane Cytacki, SCL, generously shares some great ideas about fasting from “time-eaters”– those things that take our focus away from our prayer relationship with God.

Mary’s Digital Home “Liked” By Almost 3 Million People

Do you know the address of the Facebook page that has been “liked” by 2.9 million people?

Surprised Into Prayer By the Vincentian Film Festival

I must admit “Finding Charity in Art: The Challenge of the Vincentian Festival”  surprised me into prayer! “

Now on Social: Advancing Mission

Now on Social: Advancing Mission

Many institutions in the Vincentian and Setonian Families help foster their missions by using social media. At St. John's University, with a clearly defined Vincentian mission, social media teams provide information that can feed the hearts and minds of students,...