
The Next Greatest Generation

Specialized social media platforms are facilitating the release of the creative and compassionate energy of today’s “greatest generation”.

4 Things You Must Consider Before Building Social Video

The great part about social video marketing and trying something new is that you have the ability to test your strategies and make tweaks accordingly. Don’t be afraid to try things as long as you evaluate and analyze well!

Leaders Guide to Communication with Generation Z Members

Don’t confuse Generation Z folks with millennials. The research shows that their communication preferences at work are very different. That means reaching out to them and welcoming them in has to have a different approach, too.

Connecting in a “Selfie” world

They were all there waiting for me,” the Pope said. “When I arrived, they made noise, as young people do. I went to greet them and only a few gave their hand. The majority were with their cellphones (saying), ‘photo, photo, photo. Selfie!’

Generation “Z”

Generation “Z”

"Generation what?" say the entrepreneurs at mobileserve. It’s true – there’s a new generation coming of age. Just as you got your Family branch up to speed to cater to everything Millennial, the first Generation Z-ers are about to graduate from college and bring with...