Sisters of Charity

Skill and Empowerment Training in Nepal

Twenty-four women in Surkhet, Nepal recently completed a six-month skill and empowerment training which began in January 2016. This class brings the overall total to 711 women over 31 classes who have competed the training. Ninety-five percent of these women have...

Sr. Rejane Cytacki named Executive Director of Eco-Justice Center

Sister Rejane Cytacki, member of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCL), has been named executive director of the Racine Dominican's Eco-Justice Center in Racine, Wisconsin. She holds a master’s degree in earth literacy and has been an environmental educator for...

Sisters of Charity Federation Annual Meeting Recap

From June 15-19, the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America held its Annual Leadership, CCFP & NGO Meeting in Emmitsburg, Maryland. One hundred leaders gathered representing two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters of...

The Princess Project #IamVincent

Wouldn’t it be great if we …” has been the beginning to countless programs in the 200-year history of the Sisters of Charity of New York, programs that have responded to needs both big and small. As our mission continues to grow through our sponsored works, we witness...