
Given A Break (Ex. 22:20; Mt 22:38-40)

In his unaffected way, he was voicing a truth that runs across the whole length of the Bible and all down the avenues of our faith: “I give help because I have been helped.”

A Wheel or a Ladder?

A video insight into the concept of systemic change as breaking the cycles of poverty.

Bright and Dull in the Eyes of God

Jesus Christ will come at an hour that we do not expect.  That is why we must be ready and be among the bright, not among the dull. Four Sundays ago, we heard that among God’s guests were bad and good folks.  Today we hear that the bright and the dull make up those...

Vincentian Prayer Images: What Can I Learn From Covid?

A student asks St. Vincent, “What can I learn from Covid?”

Hearing The Word in Pressured Times

Hearing The Word in Pressured Times

Hearing The Word in Pressured Times       (Lk. 5:1-11) Here are some things to note in this Gospel about Jesus getting himself involved in a fishing expedition with Peter and his friends. For one thing, there’s Peter’s state of mind. He’s exhausted. All night on the...

Near to us is the saving Word of God

Near to us is the saving Word of God

Jesus is near us so that he may save us who cry out to him and call on his name. No one is more near to us than Jesus, the Word made flesh and dwelling among us. He is “God-with-us.” He is near us in many ways. He is within our reach in the least of his brothers and...

Abraham’s Tent on Vincentian Campuses

Abraham’s Tent on Vincentian Campuses

The call to erect "Abraham's tent" on Vincentian campuses is an unrecognized opportunity for conversion, evangelization and mutual dialogue. In “Hospitality on a Vincentian Campus: Welcoming the Stranger Outside Our Tent,” a forthcoming article in Vincentian Heritage,...

God’s Family

God’s Family

God's Family - Faith to Spread the Light of Christ - Worth Every Penny - Open My Eyes Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday February 9, 2016 Vincentian Family:  Please pray for one another and those we serve. Your work is important and cannot be done well...

Who am I? Who loves me?

Who am I? Who loves me?

Who am I? Who loves me? These are some of the questions that Sr. Janet Gildea, SC asks in "Getting a Life This Lent." E-Voc is the electronic newsletter from the Vocation Team of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for single women wondering what new thing God is...