
The Mutating Vincentian Virus

COVID 19  Is both similar to and very different from the Vincentian Virus. St. Vincent was “patient zero”. We also know the power of the Vincentian Virus and how St. Vincent spread this powerful virus.

“Give Me a Double Share of Your Spirit”

The following is a short reflection on the formator seminarian relationship derived from the reading of the departure scene of Elijah from the book of 2 Kings.

Criminalizing Christ: The Nationwide Targeting of Homeless

Jesus says any time there is a hungry, thirsty or ostracized person, that person is Christ himself. And if we don’t share our food, our water, or our welcome, then we are rejecting the Incarnation of God in this world.

A Vincentian View: Wednesdays

Suppose that you served on the committee that debated the choice of the week to honor St. Joseph.  What day would you pick?

Change of Mind, Heart and Behavior

Change of Mind, Heart and Behavior

Jesus embodies the change of mind, heart and behavior that the Gospel entails.  The kingdom of God belongs to those who conform to this change and clothe themselves with Jesus. With the arrest of John the Baptist, a painful change enters his life.  But God does not...