
An Unorthodox Orthodoxy Test

There are all kinds of orthodoxy tests. We might even pass an orthodoxy oral exam. But how many can claim to actually lead lives reflecting this belief in crisis situations?

What Do Homeless Need When a Heatwave Comes?

Writing for Invisible People, Kayla Robbins Robbins, freelance writer, asks what can we do when a heatwave comes?

A Vincentian View: Dwelling in the Lord’s House

How might Joseph have prayed and meditated on Psalm 27? 

Vincentian Embodiment of the Jesus Movement

Thinking about the Vincentian Movement as being rooted in an awareness of God’s love which radiates out in widening circles.

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Temple Means Basically “God-With-Us”

Jesus is the only temple that matters.  He is “God-with-us,” the fullest presence of God among human beings. Jesus feels outrage when he finds in the temple area sellers of animals and money-changers.  They probably think they foster worship of God.  But Jesus...

Driven to Disruption

Driven to Disruption

Driven to Disruption (Mark 1:12-15) If you asked ten people what contact with God is supposed to bring I suspect at least seven would list things like peace, joy, calm, well-being, reassurance. But there's a theme running through Lent which moves in another direction...

A Vincentian asks, “Where is God?”

A Vincentian asks, “Where is God?”

In the last 8 months of my experience of Colorado Vincentian Volunteers, my heart and spirit have often been left restless and waiting for hope of God’s love and healing in our world. During these short months we have seen firsthand the effects of injustice, whether...