
Vincentians as Promoters of Employment

Blessed Frederic Ozanam pronounced his well-known sentence: “The order of society rests on two truths: justice and charity.” Undoubtedly, promoting decent work is a duty of justice and charity.

Are You a Cafeteria Catholic?

Over the decades I have noticed that the connotation of “Cafeteria Catholic“ varies according to who is doing the calling and what the issue is.

Your choice! – “Bridge” or “soft incarceration”?

I have read about the need for shelters and rapid rehousing. But Robert Davis, writing for Invisible People, captured an insight in two metaphors – “Bridge” and “soft incarceration.”

Stumbling Along ‘The Way’ (Mark 10:35-45)

Most of us know the image backing the word “scandalize;” i.e., somebody tripping over a stone in the road.

Up on Your Feet!

Up on Your Feet!

Up on Your Feet! (Ez 2:2   Mark 6:1-6) If you were to paint a picture of the prophet Ezekiel as he first appears in the Bible, you might have him sitting back in a recliner, at peace with himself and confident that the way he saw his world was the way the world truly...

Roundabout Ways We Take to Get Our Way

Responsible to a Higher Authority

Jesus is the shepherd that God has raised up in these last days.  He responds to the needs of those who are like sheep without a shepherd.  Are we that responsible? The rulers of the people are not responsible.  So, they are condemned by the one who has appointed them...