
Traditions, Customs, and Habits

Jesus makes all things new.  Hence, he questions traditions and customs, most of all, those that veil his true face. Jesus and his disciples are at a wedding.  There too is his mother.  And the wedding, no doubt, follows the traditions and customs of the Jews. But as...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XV

While the rich have many persons to serve them, the poor have no servants but the Daughters of Charity.

Famvin Ireland Video Blog: Epiphany and New Year Reflection

Fr. Paschal Scallon, Provincial of the Irish Province of the Vincentians, gives a short video reflection on the Epiphany and New Year.

The Company of Charity and the Laudato Si Action Platform

We gathered to share how the Charity charism could be a resource for us as we engage in Pope Francis’s seven-year journey to integral integrity expressed in the LSAP.

Bother Those of Strict Observance

Rejection of Jesus by His Very Own People

Jesus is the great prophet that God has raised up from among us.  Rejection of him on our part will leave us not knowing the truth that will free us. Jesus wins approval and admiration at the synagogue in Nazareth. But suddenly, he becomes an object of rejection....