
Distraction… or Insight?

After communion, I admit to being distracted by watching the line of people coming up to receive the Body of Christ.

Your Tub Is Overflowing!

“If you want to resolve street homelessness, you have to think about prevention: how do you turn off the tap?”

Understand & Listen (Genesis 18: Luke 10: 38-42)

Recently I came across an intriguing quote from the 18th century author, Henri David Thoreau, which touched on a theme prominent in the scriptures.

Shocking Statements!!!

The front pages of tabloid newspapers scream shocking statements. News pundits and internet “influencers” specialize in shocking “clickbait headlines.”

Community of Christian Believers

Community of Christian Believers

Christ is alive! And those who keep him in the center belong to his community. They have the breath of the Holy Spirit and are true to their mission. Peter and the other disciple saw, and the latter believed besides. Mary Magdalen also told the disciples, “I have seen...