
Vincentian Prayer Images: Contemporary Art 3

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of St. Vincent de Paul as portrayed by a contemporary artist.

Changing Our Clocks, Do-overs, and Fast-forwards

Changing Clocks! It is an annual ritual in many parts of the world. I suspect most of us sleep through it.

Systemic Change Commission to Offer Weekly Advent Reflections

In preparation for Christmas the Systemic Change Commission invites you to a weekly offering of Advent Reflections.

A Vincentian View: Precious in God’s Sight

The stories in Luke 15 (the lost sheep, coin and son) forcefully draw our attention to our importance in the eyes of God.

Bond with God and with Human Beings

Bond with God and with Human Beings

Jesus Christ embodies the genuine bond with God and with humans.  Through him, fully revealed and done is the will of God. Jesus tells a parable to the chief priests and the elders of the people.  Even we who live today understand it easily.  That is because it is...