
I Never Saw It Coming

I knew the letter was coming. But I never expected to be drawn as deeply into it.

55 years On Still Soul Searching

Have you ever wondered how effective our advocacy efforts are? I am not questioning our commitment, but rather the results we are achieving. 

Outbreaks of Glory (Isaiah 49:3)

Every once in a while when reading the Scriptures, something lights up, jumps out into the present time and place.

Magi School for Seekers – Open Enrollment

Anyone seeking health insurance or entrance into a school knows the term “open enrollment.” Triggered by a Pope Francis’ homily on the feast of the Epiphany, 

Persevere in the Faith and in Service

Persevere in the Faith and in Service

Jesus does not lose heart till he brings justice to the earth.  As disciples we are to follow him and to persevere in the faith and in service. Job muses that life is but a drudgery.  Hence, he seems to lose heart; it seems he is not going to persevere.  Never mind...