
Handcuffs Will Not Stop Homelessness!

In a recent reflection on the site Invisible People, Robert Davis makes the point that handcuffs will never solve homelessness.

What history rhymes with a future of justice and peace?

The history of Social Development at the UN continues to echo but more rhymes are needed so that it leads to a fulfillment of the promises of placing people at the center of development, eradicating poverty, providing productive employment and decent work, and creating social inclusion.

A Vincentian View: The Work of God

One of the verses from a Gospel of the past week captured my thinking and prompted my reflection: “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.” 

Emmaus – Why Was Jesus Slow Revealing His Resurrection?

Suppose you just discovered you were instantly cured of painful cancer?  Did someone wipe out a longstanding debt?

Perishable, Yet Saving Just the Same

Perishable, Yet Saving Just the Same

The Word becomes flesh; the imperishable, perishable.  And he shares in our humanity so that we may share in his divinity. Jesus says that he is the bread that came from heaven, which makes the Jews grumble.  They are sure that he is from the same land as they and as...