
Doctrine of Discovery and Its Implications!

As a member of the Vincentian Family Social Justice Advocates group, I am grateful that we have taken the time to delve more deeply into racism, white privilege, the legacy of Native American Boarding Schools in USA and Canada, and at our April meeting, the Doctrine of Discovery.

A Vincentian View: Pentecost Season

We call the several weeks that follow the celebration of Christmas, the “Christmas Season.”  Similarly, many weeks follow the solemnity of Easter, and we refer to this stretch as the “Easter Season.”

I Asked the Wrong Question About the Trinity

I never liked preaching on the Trinity. Few priests would place it at the top of their list of topics they like to preach about.

Table to Which Jesus Invites us

Jesus gives us his flesh to eat and his blood to drink.  To sit down at his table means to be one with him and with others. Jesus tells the Jews, that is to say, the Jewish religious authorities, that the bread he will give is his flesh.  This gives rise to a quarrel...
Outskirts of Large Cities and Towns

Outskirts of Large Cities and Towns

Jesus has become poor so that we may be rich by his poverty.  He chooses but the poor on the outskirts to witness to him. The word of God comes to John in the desert, on the outskirts.  That is to say, the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah is the prophet of the Most...

Outskirts of Large Cities and Towns

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Jesus is King David’s just shoot.  He comes to make the earth brim with justice.  How he wishes that we get the name “Lord-Our-Justice.” Monsieur Jean Gicquel, —he means well, though he picks the wrong time—, cannot but brim with zeal to help Monsieur Vincent.  The...