
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of All Women and Girls

Women and girls suffer greater injustices than men and responding to this with action and hope is a focus of the United Nations and the Vincentian Family.

Vincentian Marian Youth Established in Ethiopia

On the first Sunday of Lent, February 26, 2023, the Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) in Ethiopia was officially established.

Completion of the Diocesan Process for the Beatification of Father Giuseppe Alloatti (1867-1933)

On December 10, 2022, in the presence of the Archbishop of Turin, Roberto Repole, and the Bishop of Sofia, Christo Proykov, the diocesan process for the beatification of Father Giueppe Alloatti (1857-1933) was completed.

A Journey Through the Toledo District Villages of Belize

During the month of January, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with Sister Higinia Bol in Punta Gorda and the surrounding villages in the Toledo District of Belize.