
Vincentian Collaboration in Europe

During the months of April and May 2018, Father Joseph Agostino, CM, international coordinator of the Vincentian Family Office in Philadelphia, USA, is crisscrossing Europe to meet with members of the various branches of the Vincentian Family. Journey through Europe...

Called to Love: Policy and Advocacy

Charity is not charity unless accompanied by justice. --St. Vincent de Paul Seeking lasting justice and peace in our world are goals of the United Nations and the Church.  The good that can result from their shared efforts is evident in this month of Mary, Queen...

Collaboration of VMY Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Majlis of the Islamic Community in Livno

Religious and national affiliation should not be an obstacle in helping the needy. Consequently, cooperation between the Marian Vincentian Youth with the association of the Majlis of the Islamic Community of Livno continued. It all started last year when the...

SSVP’s Official Statement to Support Life

May is the month we celebrate Mary and Mother’s Day, so the International General Council presents a clear statement about the right to life and the leading role of women. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is committed to defending life and the family! We are...

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