
Education for Formators in Paraguay

 A Session for Formators was held from January 7 – 30 in Asunción (Paraguay). Several Daughters of Charity from South America attended the meeting. Starting from their own experience and group exchange, it was a space where they are trained to be able to give updated...

Installation of Solar Panels at the Sisters of St. Martha in Nova Scotia

Aaron Beswick of The Chronicle Herald reports on the increasing number of homes and businesses in Nova Scotia who are using solar panels including the Sisters of St. Martha: In 2008, the Sisters of St. Martha were looking to continue a long tradition of acting on...

Seton Arts Service Corps @SetonHill

Seton Hill University art and music students make a difference by bringing the power of the arts to underserved youth in Pittsburgh. The Seton Arts Service Corps is a cooperative program of the Sisters of Charity and Seton Hill University to use the power of the arts...

Commission on the Status of Women 62

“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.” Kofi Annan. Monday the 12th of March 2018, marks the beginning of the sixty-second...

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