
The Installation of the Fourth Visitor of the Vice-Province of Sts. Cyril and Methodius and the Beginning of the Pilgrimage of the Relics of St. Vincent de Paul

Father Leonid Kuklyshyn, СМ was installated as the fourth Visitor of the Vice-Province of Sts. Cyril and Methodius.

Niagara University Partners With Local School District to Increase Mental Health Services

Niagara University has partnered with the Niagara Falls School District to better serve its students with behavioral and mental health issues.

Vincentian Song Festival

If you are travelling along the path of mission and charity, it is because you are animated by the mysticism of our charism

Brothers of Charity in Indonesia: 90 Years of Ministry

On October 15, 2019, it was exactly 90 years ago that the first Brothers of Charity from the Netherlands arrived in Indonesia, more specifically in Purworejo (Java), where they started the Dutch East Indies School with 286 pupils.

Clerical abuse survivor named to Vatican

The Vatican Insider, among others, reports ... "An Irish woman who suffered sex abuse by a priest at the age of 13 talks to "Vatican Insider" about her experience. The Pope has nominated her a member of the Vatican Commission for the for the Protection of Minors" The...

When Popes and Presidents meet

It has happened 27 times! The United States Catholic Conference blog catalogs each occurrance. "President Obama's upcoming meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, March 27, marks the 28th time  a sitting U.S. President has met with a pope. The meetings, which will...

Yet another top ten list for Pope

Yet another top ten list for Pope

Mike Hayes writes on Busted Halo... "I watched as Pope Francis emerged on the balcony last March and bowed his head, asking the crowd to pray for him. I was taken aback at the new Holy Father’s humble gesture. Not only could you hear a pin drop in St. Peter’s Square...

Ten insights into Pope Francis

Ten insights into Pope Francis

Rome Reports offers a powerful series of video moments it considers highlights and insights into Pape Francis' first year. The text below is even more powerful when viewed with appropriate video clips illustrating its choice in RomeReports. 1- HELP  As he introduced...

Yet another top ten list for Pope

March Madness – “Papal moments” version

Who would have thought of creating a tournament based on choosing the most highly rated moments during Pope Francis' first year? Why the folks at Busted Halo! Just in time for Pope Francis’ one year anniversary as pope and the madness of march, we (the folks at Busted...

Mama Around the Globe

Mama Around the Globe

As we celebrate Women’s History Month it might be worth a visit to the International Museum of Women for their insights into “MAMA – Motherhood around the Globe”