
VMY International Communication Symposium

With the goal of strengthening international communication, expanding the reach of the Association worldwide, and providing training for communicators, on January 20 and 21, 2024, the International Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) will host the first edition of the Online VMY Communication Symposium.

VMY Slovakia | A Year of Blessings and Growth in 2023

The last months have been more than blessed in VMY Slovakia! So many events, camps, meetings, weekends, spiritual renewals and so on, and so on.

How Depaul USA’s Housing Projects Unlock the Potential in all People

A home is a place where people can move towards a new and independent future. A place of safety, security, a place of community, to be with friends and family.  A place where every person can fulfill their potential.

Junior Ladies of Charity: Keeping Busy!

St. Mary’s Junior Ladies of Charity have been keeping busy with a variety of projects throughout this summer and fall.

DREAM meeting in Maputo, Mozambique

DREAM meeting in Maputo, Mozambique

The arrival of the Daughters of Charity and their staff: Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Laboratory scientists, IT personnel and Program Coordinators marked the beginning of a week-long DREAM course.