
New Biography of Saint Vincent de Paul

Father Luigi Mezzadri, CM speaks with us about his most recent book…Saint Vincent de Paul: Life, Charism and Charity.

Goodbye UN – Thank You, Famvin!

I will be leaving the UN on February 14, 2020 when the negotiations of the UN resolution on homelessness will hopefully be pretty much finished.

History of the AIC in San Miguel (El Salvador, Central America)

On December 28, 1928 the International Association of Charity in the city of San Miguel was established in the Hospital San Juan de Dios.

From the FOC to the HOC: Happy Ten Years!

Last Saturday marked the ten year anniversary of the House of Charity (HOC) in New Orleans, and we at the Future of Charity (FOC) blog want to celebrate their milestone.

The Little Big Woman

The Little Big Woman

There are innumerable women who shaped our history, those who with their words, their silences, their strength or their sensibilities were showing us the maternal face of God.