
Reviving and Refreshing the WORLD SOCIAL SUMMIT

The Vincentian Family has an opportunity for increased activity and engagement with the UN’s Working Group to End Homelessness. You are invited to join with your prayers and stories of your good works.

A .famvin Triduum

Triduum is important. It’s the center of the Church year and marks the center of our Vincentian lives too. Creativity needs time to re-center itself as well.

A new house in Belize in honor of Sister Evelyn

A lay missionary group traveled to Belize in February under the guidance of Sister Luke Boiarski, SCN to build a home, in Sister Evelyn’s honor, for Dorla and her 6-year-old grandson, Tephawn. 

Charity Earth Network: Webinar April 19

The Charity Earth Network invites you to a webinar, “Charity Votes Earth: Bringing Earth’s Cries to the 2024 Electoral Season.”