
Transforming lives in Brazil

Under the subsidy of our Mother House, and aid from the Province of Curitiba and the active participation of the Sisters from five local communities, we saw an opportunity to go beyond the emergency care of the people we accompany, and invest in new training programs for them.

Improving Health and Saving Lives: Campaign for a Tuberculosis free India

A much-loved Sister in India has spent years helping to restore health to the very ill and create awareness around a prevalent disease.

Daughters of Charity in Spain Respond to the Suffering of Ukrainians

The Daughters, together with other individuals and institutions, have spared no effort to continue to respond to the current calls of our suffering brothers and sisters.

Images of Hope: a Ukrainian Child Prays for Peace

A little boy, about 4 or 5 years old, humbly bows before the cross of the Savior and, piously raising his small hands, sings a short prayer asking for an end to war and for peace to reign.

When in Germany

When in Germany

A few months back, Mark McGreevy and I had the privilege of being invited to the Megvis Conference in Untermarchtal, Germany.