
An overview of homelessness and human trafficking in Dublin

In 2017, The Passage - a Vincentian NGO based in the United Kingdom - carried out a study to explore the links between homelessness and human trafficking in England. This research found that people experiencing homelessness were vulnerable to being trafficked, and...

AIC Egypt’s “Eating Healthily” project: Offering healthy meals in a Cairo school while providing an income to ten disadvantaged women

The aim of the project “Eating Healthily” is to improve the living conditions of ten women in the Beaulac district of Cairo, Egypt, through an income-generating activity.

The Rosalie Projects: “Screenshot” Project

The “Screenshot” project was established to finance annual training in the digital field for 50 young people in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Depaul USA: Empowering Communities Through Vincentian Values

Embedded in Depaul USA’s logo are the words, “Homelessness has no place.”

Echoes of Hope

Echoes of Hope

In the heart of Meghalaya, amidst the lush green hills and serene landscapes, a story of hope and transformation unfolds, a testament to the power of compassion and collective effort.