
People, faces, names, stories

This weekend, Pope Francis visited the refugee camp in Lesbos (Greece). With him were the leaders of the Orthodox Church, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, and Jerome II, Archbishop of Athens. The news has not gone unnoticed in the European media, even if many...

“The Pope Video” (3): For children and families in difficulty

The third video of "The Pope Video" series, an initiative promoted by the Vatican, was released Thursday, March 10. In it, the Holy Father explains his intentions for universal prayer and evangelization. Every month we will see a new two-minute video from Pope Francis...

The Tweetable Pope

Tweetable. It means that the things you say can capture the imagination in 140 characters or less! Certainly, Pope Francis qualifies. MillenialJournal, which characterizes itself as "young Catholics -- ancient faith -- new century," has published an interview with...

Francis: God is Love

Photo By Christoph Wagener - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26614990 Pope Francis addressed the participants of a conference to mark the 10th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical ‘Deus Caritas Est.’ The...

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